Supporting mission-led action towards climate resilience
Supporting mission-led action towards climate resilience
Leading the Placemaking for Citizen-led Missions in SE Europe (PLACE) project.
Training and coaching for community leaders in Christchurch, Aotearoa
Training and coaching for community leaders in Slovenia and SE Europe
Understanding and planning processes of mission-led change and innovation – a vital shift in mindset and approach.
Designing fit-for-purpose partnership, governance and organisational models to be the ‘backbone’ of radical change and innovation – while helping existing organisations to evolve.
Using established methodologies to understand and map current systems, assets and stakeholders.
Comprehensive strategy and portfolio development using a futures-focus, ensuring that projects and programmes are integrated into a mission pathway.
Robust programme and project development, deploying excellence in both detailed planning and strategic alignment.
Development of transformative investment models, economic cases & financing mechanisms to deliver capital at needed speed and scale.