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We offer training courses to help communities, clients and partners to build the capacities and confidence that they need – to create the changes our societies need.

As well as the open training sessions that we offer, we can work with you to design bespoke training courses and learning-by-doing workshops that are tailored to your team and/or audience. Please get in touch to see how we can help.

Mission-led Community Change Masterclasses

To meet the challenges of the 21st century, our communities need to make rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes. Otherwise, we face compounding critical crises.
Although this has been clear for some time, communities in most places are still only managing slow, incremental and fragmented change. This is insufficient to address the underlying drivers of the systemic challenges that we face. Clearly we need to find better ways of working.

Taking a mission-led approach to community change pushes us to find ways to achieve the speed and scale of systemic change that will enable our communities to genuinely thrive through the 21st century.

A mission-led approach to change forces us to explicitly reframe, rethink and reorganise around what is necessary, rather than what we currently think is possible.

A mission-led approach therefore demands a massive shift in our mindset. It means working very differently to how most of us have been trained and rewarded to operate. It will require substantial organisational reshaping. This means that we must build our personal and community capacities to adopt and pursue mission-led change.

During this masterclass training, we explore together strategies to help you adopt a mission-led mindset; and ways that you can start to use a mission-led approach to help organise, plan, and manage radical change for your organisation and community. You will gain knowledge and confidence to help your community take a mission-led approach to change.

Join our next Mission-led Community Change Masterclass!

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Wednesday 7 – Friday 9 June 2023

For more details, click on the link below to download the course flyer.

Please get in touch to register, or if you have any questions.